Sometimes the uncomplicated is as good or better than something fussed over. Take for instance plain potato chips with salt. They aren't anything fancy. Just thin sliced potatoes, deep fried and sprinkled with salt. Everyone loves potato chips. That is exactly what my dinner was tonight... Potato chips! (Well I guess you could call it an appetizer.) But no, I mean simple and delicious. I had as my "entree" leftover baked chicken and mashed yams.
I love reheating leftovers because that means no major dish washing and fighting with the kitties to stay out of what I'm cooking. It's not that they are allowed on the counters but it's hard to wrangle the little beasts off and they don't listen very well. The little one is immune to being squirt with a water bottle and my "kitty booby trap" (can filled with pennies on the edge of the counter) failed it's purpose of frightening Mimi away. But it did however fascinate her and distract her from the counter mischief. I digress.
Anyhow not doing dishes is also nice. But I recently found a tip on that was really useful and that is before even getting the cooking started, to fill the sink up with hot, soapy water. As you stir and mix and chop and slice and dirtying things up, you can place them in the soapy water to soak. Once the cooking/baking is done the bowls and spatulas and knives are practically clean from soaking.